Sunday, November 18, 2007

Going International

Well, it's going to be great for a change not saying I'm headed off to Colorado BUT this time we are headed out of the country for a wedding and adding a little break in afterwards. I will not be reachable by cell phone but rather e-mail instead. Please make a note that we will be back in the office on November 30th.

AdiĆ³s y los viajes felices.............

A Holiday Photo

Every year I try to do something different for my sister and her family for their holiday card. It's getting harder and harder to come up with something different especially since my oldest nephew is 10! I Here is what we came up with - it's fun and it's really them!

It's True!

Yep, we moved back to Colorado! We are so excited to be here and back amongst the people we love and care about! Thanks for all the love and support - we've missed you!